Shared Kitchen

The first premises we got our hands on in Co-living Semkovo was the Shared Kitchen. The members of the co-operative will have the opportunity to use 3 different types of cooking stations we called as follows: “Main meal station”, “Light prep” and “Snack station” – dependent on the way and fashion of cooking one chooses to implement – while preparing the main meal of the day, other choice might be prolonged cooking or whisking something up in a second. The worst possible scenario is “eating standing” – of course.

The kitchen has been situated on the first semi-floor of the building and will be equipped with a gas pizza furnace and a self service draft beer hand pump. This premises has been designed so over 160 people can go through it in an hour.

It is under development and building already and we are anxious to take pictures soon of the final result of our designing effort. The dream of ours is also to experience”the full fridges” stage of the Shared Kitchen area!!! And who might know – one of the 250 future digital nomads may turn out to be Our outstanding Wonder chef!!!

Кухнята се намира на първия полу-етаж на сградата и ще бъде оборудвана също така с газова пещ за пици и бира на самообслужване. Проектирана е по начин, по който през нея за час могат да преминат над 160 души. 

Вече текат ремонтни дейности и нямаме търпение да я снимаме готова и заредена с продукти! Пък кой знае, някой от 250-те дигитални номади може да се окаже впечатляващ готвач!